As I’m sure you know, folks have been trying to balance forever. Slacklining is not really that new in its most basic form, balancing in general, but the sport has taken on ts own identity in the the last 30 years. Most people are naturally tempted to try to balance on things. I can hardly walk by a chain or fence with my kids without one of them wanting to walk on it and usually they want my help so they don’t fall off.


Throughout the years, people have done tight rope walking and other feats of balance. The cool thing about slacklining is that it’s provided a safer and easier way for a lot of people to try out the sport of balancing. Most people haven’t had access to a tight rope and a lot of other things that are nhatvip available to balance on are too high and too hard to be safe. Those challenges haven’t stopped some from risking life and limb to try it anyway. Now that we have slacklines, there is a much safer option. Although some still need the risk of bodily harm to truly challenge them, most are happier not to have to worry about this!

The sport of slacklining started in the rock climbing mecca of Yosemite National Park back in the 1970’s. The rock climbers needed something to do to fight off boredom on rainy days or rest days when they weren’t climbing the valley walls. To me, tyring to figure out what type of recreation I should do in between other types of recreation so I don’t get bored is the kind of problem I could use more of! So, they would challenge each other to balance on the hanging chains in the local parking lots.

They decided st some point to take webbing that they usually used for climbing and suspend it between two trees for their balancing game. This gave them a portable option that they could easily set up anywhere. Slacklines made it possible to set it up low to the ground. Since slackline webbing wasn’t hard like chain, it was much more forgiving if you fell on it.

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